Sunday, August 14, 2011

Giblet & the Red Baron

The WW1 aviator's helmet, goggles and scarf were requested by the person who commisioned the portrait. I took it a step further and figured if Snoopy could ride his dog house, Giblet could ride his igloo.


Sarah Lynn said...

hehehe, too cute! Looks like my nakkie Barley. :)

Katreader said...

I absolutely adore it! Especially the fact that he's flying his red igloo!!!

Kim Vanlandingham said...

LOL! It's fantastic!!!

sandy said...

I use to visit your blog in the early months of 2010 and then got so busy with the sale of our house.

I just now remembered to come back and look at your blog. I'm so sorry to read you lost your husband last year. All the best to you.

I love your rat art and you inspire me to get back to my drawing - something I have put aside in the last six months due to being so busy.